- 军师 counsellor
- sally,你好吗? Sally, how are you ?
- sally, 你好吗? Sally , how be you ?
- 军绿 military green
- 另外,sally正在洗澡, and his friends Paul and John are studying.
- 嗨!Sally,我是max White。 HI , sally. this are max - max white .
- 领军 leading
- 但是Sally的校长Fiona Shaw, However, Fiona Shaw, the headmaster of Sally's school
- 军演 military exercise
- "嗨!Sally,我是Max White。" "Hi, sally. This is Max - Max White. "
- 军曹 choush
- 嗨!Sally,我是maxWhite。 Hi, sally.This is Max - Max White.
- 三军 army; the three armed services
- 华军软件园 Huajun Software Field
- 但是sally仍然每周和学校里的男生一起训练两三次。 But Sally is still training two or three times a week with the boys in her school.
- 领军人物 leader
- Sally在公司里从秘书开始做起,很快便迈向了顶尖。现在她是这个公司的董事长了。 Sally started out as a secretary and quickly climbed the ranks at her company. Now she is the company president!
- 俄军 Russian army
- 台军 Taiwan army
- 据美国麻省弗莱明翰市的国际数据公司分析师Sally Cusack称,应用服务器的目标“非常简单”,“使瘦客户机无处不在”。 The goal of application servers "is very simple," says Sally Cusack, an analyst at International Data Corp. in Framingham, Mass.: "Thin clients everywhere."